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Knight Frank – Multi-site branch refresh

Delivering a premium branch experience for Knight Frank's discerning customers


Knight Frank is the world’s largest privately owned property agency and consultancy. Firmly at the upper end of the market, it is vital that their branches consistently communicate that they are a premium brand.

With this in mind, we were asked to advise on ways we could improve their brand within the built environment by taking a look at their branch signage and display units.

Window display development

While illuminated displays of properties in estate agent windows are a given, such units can tend to be a mess of fittings and fixings. Our approach was to go back to basics and think about the core purpose of the product and redesign accordingly. We designed and developed a bespoke window display system for them. With our reworked system there are no unsightly fixings, just a perfectly illuminated suspended double-sided slim-line LED frame into which any graphic can be slid front and back. High brand impact, for a high value brand. This system set a benchmark for estate agents window displays that have been emulated nationwide.

Other brand enhancements included a floating shelf system with internal LED illumination and a new external fascia and projecting sign along with internal logo manifestations that, together, serve to strengthen the overall premium brand effect.

Following the success of the system trial at their Sloane Avenue branch, Knight Frank went on to adopt our system nationally, ensuring the right premium message at every branch.

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